Intralinks Site Redesign
When docTrackr was acquired by Intralinks, I started out on their web marketing team and was tasked with writing copy and creating content for their website redesign.
This was not a straightforward task. Each product marketing team needed to think about the words they were using in a much more tactical sense, and understand that sales & management methodology should not also apply to any sort of (marketing) copy. This was the first time many of them worked one-on-one with a writer (or content strategist), so ceding some of their control over how we talked about a product was a new experience. Some groups were a dream to work with—they knew exactly what they wanted to achieve and were eager to collaborate.
Not only did I have to figure out how to present each Intralinks product to an online audience, I also had to determine the use cases for each. Knowledge transfers were necessary, but keyword and competitive research was imperative—Intralinks often brands product features in an effort to build awareness, rather than use the keywords potential clients enter as search queries. At the same time, we needed to better position our top product (Dealspace) to hold its own against the web presences of younger, up-and-coming M&A platforms. In that instance, we already had keyword dominance—we needed to demonstrate what Intralinks can do for Buyers and Sellers.